Wanting to protect your financial stability is nothing you should feel badly about. Contact a prenuptial agreement lawyer in Pomona if you need help drafting a prenuptial agreement.
When people think of a prenuptial agreement, they usually think of rich people protecting their millions. This idea is not fully representative of the people who can benefit from prenuptial agreements in Pomona. Many people use prenuptial agreements to protect their financial futures, no matter the size of their assets.
You can’t plan for everything, and sometimes things don’t go the way you hoped. You can’t control your partner, and sometimes marriages end in divorce. A prenuptial agreement can help you prepare for the worst even while hoping for the best.
Call a Pomona prenuptial agreement lawyer at The Law Office of Laurence J. Brock for help preparing your prenuptial agreement.
If you’re considering a prenuptial agreement before your Pomona marriage, you probably have good reason.
Maybe you have a business that you worked hard to build. You want to be sure that business will always be yours no matter what happens with your marriage. Maybe this is not your first marriage, and you have kids from a previous marriage. You probably want to protect your children’s inheritance.
Perhaps you have a considerable amount of family money you want to preserve. It’s understandable for you to think about your financial stability. Or maybe you just want to go into your marriage knowing where both parties stand financially.
As you can see, many people could benefit from a prenuptial agreement in Pomona. Wanting one doesn’t mean you want your marriage to fail or that you’re anticipating things going south. It simply means you want to be prepared for any outcome.
When you buy flood insurance, it doesn’t mean you wish for a flood or think one will happen. It just means you want to be prepared should a flood occur. A prenuptial agreement lawyer can help you draft your document.
A prenuptial agreement is a legally binding contract. It makes sense to have a lawyer’s help with this document. If you’re considering a prenuptial agreement before your Pomona marriage, you probably want the contract to hold up in court. A prenuptial agreement lawyer can help you take care of this document so you can enter your marriage with peace of mind.
Are you ready to get started drafting a prenuptial agreement? Still aren’t sure whether you need one? Talk with a lawyer about your personal financial situation to find out if a prenuptial agreement is right for you. Not everyone needs a prenuptial agreement before their Pomona nuptials. But some people surely could benefit from one.
Talk with a Pomona prenuptial agreement lawyer about your situation. The Law Office of Laurence J. Brock can be reached through the website submission form below or you can call 909-466-7661.