Some stepparents get a bad rap. The fairy tales and modern day social media descriptions often portray them in a negative light. And then there are the stepparents who go the extra mile. Some of them offer more parental support than, at least, one of the natural parents. One of the most significant things a... continue reading
You would think that with so many changes in family dynamics in the past few decades that every state would have some sort of rights for grandparents when it comes to visitation. However, not all states are as progressive as California. In California, the Family Code doesn't just leave room for grandparents to seek visitation... continue reading
Consider a divorce to be part breaking up of a relationship and part dissolving of a partnership. For the first part, there is usually a great deal of heartache involved, and even when there isn’t, there are levels of emotion associated with the process. This often clouds people’s judgments, and they are unable to see... continue reading
A family law practice involves more than "just divorce". Family law covers a broad range of issues from domestic abuse to paternity, child support, and distribution of property, to whether you qualify under California divorce laws or common law rules. No one really wants to go see a lawyer. Nevertheless, when dealing with any of... continue reading