No one ever anticipates needing a family lawyer—until they do. On an emotional level, divorce is a complicated experience. But it’s important to understand that the decisions made during a divorce can affect the lives of yourself and your children for years to come. With so much at stake, you would never risk leaving the... continue reading
It’s a common perception that the mothers are routinely given custody of children, especially following a divorce. In reality, California state law dictates that both of a child’s parents have the right to seek custody and visitation rights. If you’re wondering what rights a father has in California, read on to learn about how this... continue reading
The end of a marriage is a deeply personal matter for all people, and it’s no different when it comes to deciding whether to favor an annulment over a divorce. If you’re wondering why someone would want an annulment, read on to learn about a few considerations. How Do People Choose to Annul a Marriage?... continue reading
Going through a divorce is never easy. Although it may difficult, you may start to think about the next chapter—and specifically about your financial situation. Is it possible for you to continue to enjoy the same standard of living without your spouse? If you’re going through a divorce and wondering what qualifies you for alimony,... continue reading